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Antonia K Moore

Hi I'm Antonia

A multifaceted, multi-passionate wannabe multi-entrepreneur with a multitude of passions. One step at a time as they say. Well I’ve learned this to be the best policy. Step one Elevate Babe!

So  I decided to create this blog to help to inspire others  to explore  their passions. At the begining of 2023 I decided to begin a nre career in real estate and I enrolled to get my licence. Join me on my journey on my blog and podcast of Diary Of An Esate Agent and Elevate Babe.

It is my mission to educate, entertain and inspire women around the globe to shake your shoes and to be, do and have whatever the hell you want #ElevateBabe

St. Patrick’s Day is a widely celebrated holiday that has become synonymous with Irish culture, green shamrocks, and lively parades. While many people associate the day with revelry, the history of St. Patrick’s Day is rich and steeped in tradition. In this article, we will dive into the origins and evolution of the holiday, exploring its cultural significance and enduring traditions.

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Diary Entry 1: Dive In

Diary Entry 1: Dive In

I am currently in college as an Apprentice Agent.  I work 4 days and I am in college for one full day. You might think that college one day a week breaks up being in the office  9-5 5 days but it actually makes the week feel a bit longer. It’s pretty full-on.

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10 Tips for How To Improve Digital and Online Habits

10 Tips for How To Improve Digital and Online Habits

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and unproductive every day? It's time to take control of your schedule and dramatically improve the way you plan your day. With the right strategies and tools, you can maximize your productivity, reduce stress, and achieve your goals with ease. In this article,...

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Welcome To Elevate Babe!

 Firstly, thank you for stopping by my  blog! Welcome to my organised chaos!

That’s a lie! I am actually very organised But don’t let that put you off! The amount of mistakes I make is chronic.  Here I want to share all with you. The good, the bad, and the fugly. 

If its lit (hot) , blip (meh) , or zip (nope) I will  let you know right here! Also dont forget to sign up! To fook!! And oh yeah, I am Irish! 


Why Not Cast Your Lovely Ears on One Of My Podcasts.

Check out my podcast below on Apple Podcasts. Also available on Spotify, Amazon, YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts (pretty much).


powerful hypnosis to get want you want