7 Tips On How To Keep New Years Resolutions
Jan 4, 2024 | Elevate Babe Blog, Productivity | 2 Comments
Its a vicious cycle, Christmas comes Christmas goes, New Year arrives and New Year goes. We are back in our natural state but heads are still spinning wondering if this year is going to just be a repeat! We all want to change in some way be it physically, emotionally, romantically, financially or...

The Best and Most Affordable Daily Cream Cleanser and Make-up Remover That Hydrates Your Skin
Dec 16, 2023 | Beauty | 0 Comments
The Best and Most Affordable Daily Cream Cleanser For Taking Off Your Make-up and Hydrating Your Skin As we are all tightening the purse strings for January there's nothing better than finding a great product that's also affordable. Let's face its actually hard enough to find a good quality beauty...

Let Christmas Commence
Dec 7, 2023 | Diary Of An Estate Agent | 0 Comments
Well, the rain finally stopped! A couple of viewings today. I need to get onto all interested parties next week and see if we can get another offer on the table. Christmas party tomorrow night in Dublin. Looking forward to it as I'll visit friends and go for a few fancy dinners. My fav pastime....

Well Whatever The Weather
Dec 6, 2023 | Diary Of An Estate Agent | 0 Comments
I spoke too soon. As I mentioned how lovely, dry and sunny the weather has been of late, buckets started to pour all day and when you are out doing viewings it’s not the “May West”. Thankfully I only had one viewing a mere 5 minute’s walk from the office. A cute gem of a duplex apartment right in...

Diary Entry 1: Dive In
Dec 5, 2023 | Diary Of An Estate Agent | 0 Comments
So let's begin. I am currently in college as an Apprentice Agent. I work 4 days and I am in college for one full day. You might think that college one day a week breaks up being in the office 9-5 5 days but it actually makes the week feel a bit longer. It's pretty full-on. We have assignment...

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras non turpis pellentesque magna elementum porttitor. Donec consectetur ligula et diam laoreet, sit amet posuere nisl euismod.